Climate Crisis Weekly: Jane Fonda arrested for protesting, how to talk to your kids about the climate crisis, more

Jane Fonda arrested for climate crisis protest in Washington, DC.
How to talk to your kids about the climate crisis.
Cocaine isn’t just bad for your body — it’s also causing climate change.
Japan buckles down yet again as Typhoon Hagibis …

EGEB: IMF says tax fossil-fuel emissons heavily; EVs could improve China’s health, more

In today’s Electrek Green Energy Brief (EGEB):

IMF: Tax fossil-fuel emissions heavily to combat climate change.
Electric vehicles could benefit health more than climate in China.
North Dakota’s power grid is hindering wind-farm projects.

EGEB: Mayors endorse global Green New Deal at C40 summit, green energy and skiing, more

In today’s Electrek Green Energy Brief (EGEB):

Nearly 100 city mayors announce support of global Green New Deal at C40 summit.
Copenhill, a waste-to-energy power plant in Copenhagen, offers skiing, a climbing wall, and a park, too.
The Guardian revea…

Bipartisan ‘Turkey Sanctions Bill’ targets Turkish energy sector — how’s that work?

Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) announced late yesterday that they reached agreement on a new Turkey Sanctions Bill in response to the country’s military operations against the Kurds in northeastern Syria. This …

EGEB: Chemistry Nobel Prize for lithium-ion batteries, interior secretary criticized Green New Deal, more

In today’s Electrek Green Energy Brief (EGEB):

Chemistry Nobel Prize win for lithium-ion batteries is a win for green energy.
US interior secretary criticized Green New Deal at a New Mexico oil and gas conference.
PG&E is cutting electricity to a…