Tesla app helps Model X owner receive package from 7 miles away

Tesla’s premium electric cars are filled to the brim with technology, so much so that the vehicles are frequently compared to Apple and its ecosystem of products. Over the years, Tesla has vastly improved its vehicles, adding new convenience and safety features through free, over-the-air updates. One such feature was utilized by a Model X […]

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Report Claims Volkswagen Wanted To Buy Into Tesla

Musk was reportedly suspicious of the offer. What do you get when you cross a Tesla Model 3 with a Volkswagen I.D. Buzz? It looks like we’re never going to find out, but it might have been legitimate speculation had the deal to take the California automaker private gone through. The company’s CEO Elon Musk put an […]

McLaren Ready To Go Pure Electric: But Don’t Ever Expect An SUV

The British automaker is working on an all-electric supercar McLaren is a British supercar company that’s got an ambitious electrification plan for the future. Well-known for their high-performance ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) powered machines, the carmaker is set to go green. As the emissions standards around the world get ever tighter, the British carmaker will have […]

Tesla Reportedly Sues Ontario Government For Tax Credit Discrimination

The tax credit cut seems more and more like a nearsighted move For the Ontario government, the term “ambivalent” is best used if we’re to describe their EV incentives policy. After the new Ontario government took office, there was little doubt that they are going to end the cap-and-trade program. After all, it was part […]